TLV200D/E firmware


Step 1. To upgrade the firmware of the set-top box user should have an IBM PC compatible with Microsoft

Windows. Serial cable. New TLV200D firmware file supplied from Teleview.

Step 2. Before the upgrade, make sure the set-top is working properly. Menu should be visible on the screen.

Step 3. Prepare serial cable

To make a serial connection cable as follows: One end of connector must have male and the female connector.

Cable wiring between connectors

2 --- 2

3 --- 3

5 --- 5

Step 4. Turn off the set-top box to avoid possible destruction of the interfaces. Connect a cable between

COM port of IBM PC compatible and RS232C connector of set-top box

Step 5. Turn on the IBM PC compatible and Execute HyperTerminal program which can be found from

START->PROGRAM->ACCESSORIES of the Microsoft Windows menu.

Step 6. Make sure the Hyper terminal configurations are as follows. Execute File menu on the

HyperTerminal, then Properties menu.

Choose COM1 if the cable is connected to COM1 port of IBM PC compatibles. Choose COM2 if the cable is connected to COM2 port of IBM PC compatibles.

Configure the port as follows

Bit rate 115200

Data bit 8

Parity None

Stop bit 1

Flow control XON/XOFF

If you are using the Hyper-terminal first time, it will ask you to enter the connection names, phone numbers and access codes. Just use any arbitrary values for these fields.

Disconnect and connect again to validate new settings by executing Call menu on the HyperTerminal,

Then Disconnect sub menu and Connect sub menu.

Step 7. Turn off and on the set-top box. You must be able to following messages from the Hyper-terminal

Teleview C main() - TLV-200 Jun 1 2003 03:39:43

Tuning posted, Press ESC to open console monitor

*******RESET VDP***

*******RESET VDP***

AUD: loading STi4600 v1.4 patch code for BAC!

Image (0, 0) [734x196]

If you can not see any message, check the cable again. Check the communication port setting you have chosen in the hyper-terminal is correct (Step 6).

Step 8. Press ESC key on the keyboard. You will find messages open console

Step 9. Type in ENTER key and r z ENTER keys. You will see

Send a new firmware with ZMODEM protocol

Make sure XON/XOFF is enabled

?. B00000012b0c69

Step 10. The video screen will show an OSD message as follows


Downloading firmware…

Please wait minutes

Step 11. Execute Transfer menu on the HyperTerminal and Send File.

Choose protocol [Zmodem]. Enter new binary firmware file name and press Enter key.

Step 12. You will see that the file is transferred from the PC to the receiver.


You will be able to see the status bar showing the transfer. If the status bar freezes, communication error happened. Please turn off and on the set-top box again and start over the download again.

Step 13. When all of the binary file content is transferred, wait couple of minutes more to write new firmware on the flash ROM.

Never turn off the set-top box during the flash writing. It will destroy the firmware on the set-top box and user can not recover the firmware. If this situation happens, try to obtain new flash ROM from the vendor.

If you have access to the flash ROM programmer, you may program the flash ROM yourself and obtain a binary file from Teleview (

Step 14. When the upgrade is finished, the set will boot again itself.